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  • Elise

Days of Blood and Starlight

Author: Laini Taylor

Genre: Fantasy (Paranormal), romance

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4.5)

TW: Attempted rape

This book is the sequel to 'Daughter of Smoke and Bone'. This book is definitely darker than the first so do take note.

We spend a lot of time in the beginning explaining where the characters are, as well as worldbuilding. I found the first half to be rather draggy, and only started to really enjoy myself in the second half, particularly because that was when we started to focus more on the main characters. There was a lot of political intrigue between the two groups as well.

There were multiple plot twists within this book, and I definitely was blown away. (I would have been more blown away if I didn't Google the characters and get spoilers.. the reason why I Googled was because I experienced this book via mixed media, so while thinking that I had missed some information, I went to Google what had happened, only for the reveal/ explanation to come in the next chapter... 🤦🏻‍♀️)

Whilst I was reading this book, I heard from some that this book made them ship Mik and Zuzana so much, and I could definitely see that. There were so many cute, minor details that just made me 😍.

So excited to see how the series ends!

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